in english language

  • home / strona główna
  • what is this blog for? / po co ten blog?
    Hello Wanderer :), my name is Krzysztof Bełzowski. The main purpose of this homepage is to present and document my art and writing work to the world. The main header of this blog: Christophorus Artifex, can be translated from Latin as: Christopher Creator, and going even further, translating the name: Christ-Bearer Creator.
  • about me / o mnie
    biography: Krzysztof Bełzowski was born in 1982 in the city of Tarnów located in Poland. He has secondary education, an art technician with a specialization as an exhibitor. For five years he attended the Artur Grottger Vocational High School in the Art School Complex in Tarnów. He uses such artistic media as: drawing, easel painting, satirical drawing, calligraphy, small sculpture.
  • artistic achievements / dorobek artystyczny
    List of exhibitions in which I participated.
  • imagination notebook / notatnik wyobraźni
    The art works collected in this section were created from my imagination.
  • bestiary / bestiariusz
    Mythical, symbolic and real fauna inspire me in my art. This mainly applies to my drawing, painting, sculpting and photographic works. I also collect postcards on this subject.
  • sketchbooks / szkicowniki
    Here I present sketchbooks with my art works created from nature, photos and imagination.
  • satirical drawing / rysunek satyryczny
    Here he presents humorous drawings invented and made by himself.
  • handwritten lettering / odręczne liternictwo
    In this section I present my handwritten lettering works. We are talking about calligraphy, typography and hand lettering.
  • poems / wiersze
    I present my poems in this section.
  • rapiarium / rapiarium
    Here I present texts that are important to me and my thoughts on them. The main criterion for their selection is the scope: art, faith, drawing. I indexed them for easy access.
  • notes in the sand / zapiski na piasku
    Notes in the Sand is an anthology of texts of various literary forms that move me and thus force me to think. They take the form of poems, prayers and legends talking about the relationship between man and nature, entities created - as I believe - by God. Here I serve meals for the spirit that can develop people's perception of nature. I hope it is a treat for: wanderers, vagabonds, tourists, pilgrims, scouts, survivalists, bushcrafters, etc., who want to see its spiritual dimension beyond the physical matter.
  • workshop notebook / notatnik warsztatowy
    In the workshop notebook, he presents theoretical and, to a greater extent, practical knowledge about concepts, materials, tools and art techniques (I was inspired to conduct it by my exhibition and technology teacher from school times, Mr. P. Burdzyński). The notebook deals mainly with drawing, sculpture and lettering because that is what it deals with.
  • sketching FAQ / FAQ szkicowanie
    Sketching questions and answers.
  • my drawing strategy / moja strategia rysunkowa
    In this section I post my thoughts on my own drawing strategy, which I try to work out in practice. In building this place, I rely on such fields as: praxeology, Catholic spirituality, philosophy, military strategy and tactics.
  • storage tank / zasobnik
    The cache is a handy notebook of knowledge that can be useful in life. The information contained here comes from various fields of science and crafts. Mostly notes I made while reading books and calendars. This is a collection of the so-called. MacGyverisms (a term coined from the television series MacGyver). All photos and drawings, apart from illustrations of plants from old herbariums (source:, were made by myself for the purposes of this section of the home page.
  • books and movies / książki i filmy
    I like to read when I have time, it gives me great fun and helps me to stop in today's fast-paced world. I have compiled lists of books into categories that reflect my reading interests.
  • links / linki
    At this point I put links to interesting websites on the Internet, which I recommend.
  • to download / do pobrania
    In this section I post links to free books and articles made available legally by their authors. These files are mostly saved in PDF format, so they require a suitable browser to open them.
